Hay fever treatment
Hay fever sufferers who experience stuffy, congested noses (rhinitis), can get some relief via an intranasal spray. Usually lasting up to three months, some individuals may require a second dose at the four to six week mark for best results.
This method is an effective treatment for decreasing rhinitis especially during the spring season where hay fever symptoms are most prominent.
How to prepare for hay fever treatment:
- Perform a FESS saline nasal & sinus wash 1 hour before your appointment
- Do not use any nasal sprays 24 hours before your appointment
Hay fever treatment aftercare:
- Avoid blowing your nose, using nasal sprays for 24 hours
- Keep upright for 4 hours post treatment
- Avoid excessive exercise for 24 hours post treatment
Detailed information is provided during consultation. An eligibility assessment will be performed prior to treatment with out medical team.

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